

Competitiveness strengthening by
Independent technology and various research areas.

KORYO PYROTECHNICS was established in 2006 and has been functioning as a research institute for developing new products in various fields, such as the defense, marine signaling, and solid aerosol fire extinguisher industries. The company designs, develops, and tests new industries with its own research resources.

To diversify its research field, KORYO will strive to develop new products that customers can trust and use safely by further expanding the research organization and human resources and spurring the development of various new products.

< Equipment for Research >
- Organic/Inorganic/Analytical Equipment: ICP and three other types
- Environment Test Equipment: Dry oven and eight other types
- Physical Test Equipment: Universal material testing machine and 18 other types
- Measurement tester: Metallic Microscope and 22 other types
- Other test equipment: Projectors and other equipment types

< Patent Application Status >
[Military Logistics]
40MM practice grenade and six others

[Civilian Demand]
Fire extinguisher aerosol generator and 19 others

Certification Name Certificate Authority Date of Acquisition
Self-testing Facility of Supplier Defense Agency for Technology and Quality Apr. 17, 1998
Enterprise Annex Lab Korea Industrial nTechnology Associatio May 15, 2006